I am amused to see different cultural shows staged by different expatriate communities around the United States of America. Rightfully so, because almost all nationalities around the globe have made the USA their second home, but has continued to practice their native customs and traditions despite being in a foreign land.
Take the case of the Latinos in America, they have been in the mainstream society for quite some time, but their native Spanish language have continued to proliferate. To the point that when you are in a pre-dominantly Spanish settlement you feel as if you are in a foreign country. They talk in Spanish, their establishment are adorned with their country flag thereby giving the place local color and ambience.
Also try dining in a Chinese restaurant, probably in the heart of the Chinese community and you will have difficulty threshing out what food to order because everybody talks in their native mandarin language. You must always bring with you a guide that knows the Chinese culture in order for you to enjoy the meals served.
Just the other day I saw in local TV a presentation staged by the Filipino community on the streets of New York City. All the participants are in their native costumes dancing to the tune of pre-dominantly Filipino cultural music. The atmosphere was festive because of the large
Philippine flag that was auspiciously displayed during the show. Most of the spectators sport mini Philippine flag as they listen to the artists performing on the makeshift stage. I understand that the affair was made to coincide with the Philippine Independence Day celebration.
Still there are others who have made their presence felt, particularly the Japanese who have been our economic partners for over five decades.
The Flagman