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Custom Flag Maker - Custom Flag Manufacturer

Monday, May 31, 2010
If you have just finished college, away from the bonds of education and the pressure of having to turn in good grades to your parents, your first instinct will be to enjoy your new found freedom and experiment on this independence. You might want to move out of the house ASAP, get a job, start a career, have fun, and perhaps start saving up on worthy investments like a condo unit, a car or even just a gadget you've been salivating over since it first hit the market. However, you must not enter this league if you are not emotionally and financially ready yet. Keep the pride flags to yourself first.

Remember that to become self-sufficient is to first have a stable source of income. So your first problem will be a stimulus fund. If you can ask it from your parents then you're good. If it's wholeheartedly given, then you're lucky! If it's in the form of a debt with payment terms, then be sure that you will be able to repay it by your agreed time and won't need attention flags before you send out payment.

However, if your parents are not willing to give it just that way, then your next option is to just stay in your home, get a job, and save up until you have ample money to start over on your own. While you do so, canvass for a great place to stay, and project your expenses. Anyway, when you already have a job, even if you transfer residence, your paycheck can still come regularly.

by: The Flagman

Friday, May 28, 2010
If you are one of the people who are dying to lose weight or who have just pledged to lead a healthier life, then you have to start with one of the most basic things—diet. They say "you are what you eat" and what you let inside your body will eventually form a part of you. That is why it’s very logical to avoid foods rich in fat, cholesterol and sugar if you want to veer away from heart diseases and blood-related complications. Oops, warning flags right there. At the same light, if you really want to go for healthier eating habits, then you have to stock with fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods.

But here's the ugly truth---most of the people don't really appreciate the taste of fruits and vegetables as much as they do with meat. And that is why it's easier to stock our refs with meat, junk food and soda. They REALLY are designed to taste good. So if you are feeling the extra pressure of avoiding these detrimental food and beverages, just undress yourself of the pressure and take the switch lightly.

Attention flags here: you can start with having one fruit serving after every meal and try, in your own little ways, to eat healthier. For example, you can mix vegetables with meat in your meals. And instead of junk food, you can snack on oatmeal cookies, raisins or even apples. See, they don't sound that barbaric and pressuring, don't they? Also, don't forget to exercise and make it as fun as your eating!

by: The Flagman

Thursday, May 27, 2010

All around the world we get to see peace flags and banners being setup in different ways. Even the flag of the United Nations for example is a symbol of peace and unity among the different nations of the world. The word peace has been more than just a mere concept since man walked the earth. Peace is a general dogma of universal proportions. Everybody in their right and sensible mind would desire peace in one form or another. Even those who may commit a crime would sooner or later seek a state of peace and tranquility for the self or for the cause he is protecting.

With the dove carrying a fresh stalk from a plant, peace flags brandishing this image projects a sense of lightheartedness and wellness for all those who want to take part in it. This image may have been adapted from the concept that doves are very peaceful creatures, and martyrs to be more precise. While other animals resort to claws, teeth, and aggression to preserve their existence, doves just shy away from danger and trouble. Even at times, doves are said to just twist their heads and die in the process just to overcome anguish or loneliness.

The peaceful nature of doves is paired with the fresh stalk from a plant – a symbol of having a fresh start. With new beginnings come new possibilities of a better way to coexist with one another. Instead of resorting to violence and overpowering forces to drive one's influence, true power is peace which starts with the self instead of grabbing it from others. No matter how powerful a person or nation is, without internal peace and sense of security, the state of power will not last long nor be stable enough to withstand the self. Power without peace is still without power to remain as is.

by: The Flagman

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
So you finally got yourself a set of wheels to drive around town. After all those hard work, you finally get your hands on the steering wheel, and your have yourself propped right in the driver's seat. No more riding shotgun, or even like a baby at the back of the passenger vehicle. This time, you are the controller of the machine you call your own. The day you finally get to drive your own car is like winning the race of capturing that checkered flag you may call your goal of having a ride.

However, driving is not just a fancy way of flaunting your newly acquired vehicle. There is a great deal of responsibility involved when driving, for the self and for the safety of others on the road. The driving you get to see on races, trying to reach that checkered flag first among others is not the type of driving you will be doing in the real world. Driving in the real world is more of being defensive and cautious rather than being aggressive in reaching the destination. For one, the environment in the real world is unpredictable and uncontrolled unlike in race tracks. There are traffic rules to obey and regulations to be adhered to.

Be sure that when you get to back your car off the drive way, safety is the first thing that should be thought of, not beating the clock to the destination. Also, be sure that you have your driver's license with you, as this is your legal permit to drive, without it, you don't have any right driving a vehicle. With the pride of new wheels and being the envy of those who aspire of having one, the same amount of responsibility is needed to make sure that your car, as well as others remains safe on the streets.

by: The Flagman

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Control over the battlefield is always established by controlling specific parts of the battlefield at specific times. This is because you need to know exactly where your troops need to be and exactly when they need to execute a particular order. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to win a battle without achieving control over these areas.

The first thing that you need to do is to plan the capture of these specific areas. This is because you first need to figure out how to get them so that you can plan how to defend them. Always make sure that your men point out weak spots or places that need defending. After all, there are points that are naturally defensible. You only need to focus on the points that need defending so that you can secure those positions. You can use blank flags to mark those areas that you need to defend.

Once you secure these positions, you can get on to setting up defensive structures. Each area will be different depending on which military unit captured the point. This is because there are different ways of defending positions and different military units have been trained to use different methods. They also use different military flags to mark the territory as their own. This means that you also have to factor in which military unit is suitable for the environment that the strategic point is in. Failing to recognize the diversity of military units is a costly mistake especially since you are dealing with human lives.

by: The Flagman

Monday, May 24, 2010
Ever since we were kids, we would be drawing the simplest things: circles as balls, squares as boxes, and the like. As we got a little older and better, we would be drawing more complex and crisscrossing shapes. Most likely, one of the most attractive and familiar things drawn and seen are stars, with those five pointed images that makes us smile especially when being awarded with it. Yet there is also a commonly used star which has six sides and ironically, this six-sided star has been recognized since the time before the crucifixion took place, even before the Israel Flag was first hoisted.

The Star of David, as it is most commonly termed in modern society, is used in a variety of sacred and very important aspects. For scholars, they believed that this symbol of the hexagram was used as a seal and part of early use of magic and religion to control bad spirits and ensure good outcomes. This was also termed as the Symbol of Solomon, where it was believed that he used the symbol carved into one of his rings to bring good fate. Nowadays, the symbol is seen mostly as the symbol for the country of Israel, as see in every Israel flag, and also as the symbol of one of the well known and respected religious orders such as the Jews.

The Star of David as what it is termed, or even as other call it as the shield of David, is a symbol of strength and power of those who take pride in its rich history and glorious yet mystical past.

by: The Flagman

Friday, May 21, 2010
Sailing has always been a cheap and easy way to get from one point to another. Port authorities also make it a point to ensure the safety and security of all people who step off a boat onto the port. As such, certain VIPs actually choose to visit different countries using the sea. And the security systems that the different ports have are enough to secure the VIP and their group.

The most important factor of the dock security system is actually the visual friend-or-foe recognition system. This is done by assessing the different kinds of nautical flags that vessels carry. This assessment is also done with a code reference that will allow access to the incoming vessel. If port authorities find that they have something questionable on board, they might deny entry until a full investigation has been resolved. They also have tight security checks on the docks. This makes sure that the passengers are also secure from each other.

The story is different if the vessel is carrying a VIP. This is because the VIP is always prioritized in terms of security and entry. When port authorities analyze a vessel's nautical flag and confirm through the code reference that there is a VIP on board, they immediately send out an escort ship to guide in the vessel. This show of security can be an active deterrent for anyone who wants to threaten the VIP's life. The time and effort spent in securing VIPs shows that the state values the people who work for it and those who can contribute to it.

by: The Flagman

Thursday, May 20, 2010
A lot of people think that being in the wilds actually risks a lot more that what can be gained. This is because the dangers of the untamed wilderness are far too great to go unnoticed. However, the wilderness doesn't have to get the better of the prepared hunter. After all, if you're going to go into a potentially dangerous scenario, you might as well maximize your chances for survival. Otherwise, you shouldn't even think about it.

The first thing that you have to do is to make sure that you cover all the bases. Make sure that you tell people about your plans to go hunting so that they'll know where to start looking if they feel something is wrong. You can also give them a timetable so that they can send out a search party if you've been gone too long. You can also bring a few attention flags so that they'll know what to start looking for to start tracking you down.

If you're just about ready to go out to hunt, you might want to bring a little extra food and a little extra navigational equipment. This is because you will have to make sure that you increase your chances of survival. This is also because you have to prepare emergency supplies to make give you a few extra days. However, you still have to be seen. That is why you also have to bring strobe lights and blank flags. Just remember that the greater the chance of you getting seen by rescuers, the greater the chance of getting out of tight spots.

by: The Flagman

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
The Bunker Hill flag is one of the few flags which denote the actual defeat of its represented group as opposed to the many national flags which denote victory and triumph for liberty and freedom. However, the Bunker Hill flag takes pride for the historical defeat it carries as it marked the major battle that would eventually conclude the continental thrust to American freedom and independence from British Colonial Rule much later on.

The date was June 17th of 1775. The place was in present day peninsular Charlestown in Boston, more specifically Bunker and Breed’s Hills. That day would turn out to be an epic battle between the colonial forces, relatively inexperienced and green for battle against the more experienced and battle ready British troops who at that time were preparing for strategic fortifications to defend their foothold on the place. Commander William Prescott led the twelve hundred troops up the two hills to hold ground, and gallantly they were able to do so for a couple of assaults before they were outgunned by the enemy forces charging their third. While the forces may have retreated, they did so but not without inflicting so much casualties against the British forces as compared to theirs.

Being king of the hill during that time was a grim scene of deaths and wails of anguish of fallen soldiers. Presently, the only king of the hill is the Bunker Hill monument standing in defiance of the grim retreat and the glorious Bunker Hill flag which commemorates the fallen heroes of that battle. Wherever the Bunker Hill flag flies, may it be a reminder that it is a symbol of the many heroic acts of the American people to gain justice and freedom from oppressors.

by: The Flagman

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Picture this: Davy Crockett, the American Legend and adventurer defending the Alamo, waving gallantly the Alamo flag in a staunch defense over the Mexican forces of President General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. This may have been the last scene of heroism before the compound-garrison of about a few hundred men succumbed to the overwhelming thousands of forces of the Mexican president. The year was 1836, a year that will always be marked with bloodshed paired with liberty and victory thereafter.

While it may be sad to know that the capture of the Alamo meant the death of almost everyone in it, including accounts of the legendary Crockett succumbing to enemy gunfire, their deaths may have meant the loss of the stronghold for Texas to be relieved of independence from Mexican rule. However, this was short lived as the heroes and carriers of liberty carried on the meaning of the fallen Alamo flag, bringing in thousands of defenders and vengeful individuals out to seek revenge for their fallen comrades. In a month’s time after the fall of the Alamo, the tyranny of the former Mexican rule was revoked and returned to the rightful federal sovereignty of the American people.

The mark of 1824 on any Alamo flag is a reminder that all things had to take place after the constitution of the 1824 was abolished to give way to an almost dictator like government. The revolution that took place in Texas marked the beginning of a 12 year strife which would see the loss of many souls from both guardians of freedom and oppressors of liberty. Where one man fell to defend what is universally just and free, hundreds more were inspired to heed to the call for that final push to victory in the battle of San Jacinto on April 21, 1836, formally ending the war with the defeat of President Santa Anna. The lone star state of Texas is truly a holder of this grim, yet glorious past of unforgotten heroism and accounts.

by: The Flagman

Monday, May 17, 2010
Producing cars aren't just about performance and getting a running engine to run on four wheels. Major car companies have to make sure that their cars have safety mechanisms that will protect the driver and the passengers. They also have to make sure that their cars can handle specific turns and specific levels of stress.

The first things that they test on new cars are the safety mechanisms. This is because they have to make sure that they don't put drivers in unnecessary harm. Otherwise, if their safety mechanisms fail when the time comes, they could get an expensive lawsuit from the customer. That is why they wreck a few cars by running them down a short strip so they can crash and activate the mechanisms. Sometimes, they have multiple blank flags lined up to get a good idea of what speed the car should be at specific points to validate the test.

Once the car passes the different tests, they can actually take it out for a spin. This is because they have to make sure that it handles stress tests well. They set up a course that will test the limits of the car that they built. Every stress test has its own course as different cars are built to handle different levels of performance. The course is built to test turning rates and braking capabilities. This means that they have to set up custom feather flags that mark turning points and brake points. The results will determine if the car is ready for the market.

by: The Flagman

Friday, May 14, 2010
A wedding isn't just an event that you can rush. It takes a lot of time to properly plan for it. This is because a wedding usually involves making a very important decision in your life. After all, you'll be spending the rest of your life with someone that you feel will help you enjoy what you have. Basically, it is about giving up certain privileges in exchange for other privileges. And planning for an event reflects the intensity of the decision that went along with it.

The first thing that you have to do is to plan the wedding itself. You will have to figure out where you want the wedding to happen and how long you expect the wedding to take place. When you get done with figuring out these things, you can focus on what kind of party you want after the wedding. You might want to use the same theme that you used for the wedding. This way, you keep things consistent. You might even want to try using custom flags to manifest the theme with a logo or a picture that you want to display as the couple's symbol.

If you're feeling a little royal, you might want to check out how royal families of old celebrated the joining of two families. You might also want to figure out a few rites that were connected with royalty. This is because you need to know as much as possible about these things if you want to pull it off. Otherwise, it might not be as good as it should be. You can try pulling together crest flags for the couple as it will feel like joining two royal families.

by: The Flagman

Thursday, May 13, 2010
Ah! Nothing like living the Big Apple, with the bustling city that continues to be alive throughout the night, the New York state flag also continues to fly the several masts that hold them along with the people who keep the night awake. The life in this huge city is fast and action packed, with no room for those who have no sense of time management. Businesses and scheduling here is secured when it comes to time and scheduling, as those who are quite late in their appointments are left with no productivity, so much as for those who do not value time. No wonder the New York state flag is a symbol of economic prowess over the other national markets.

When visiting the New York Stock Exchange, one could actually see throngs of people in suits and ties shout their lungs out in order to get a favorable call and decision from stockholdings. There is no time to dilly dally and loaf around, lest one wants to be unemployed and without any profit. When visiting the malls, people do not just leisurely walk around and enjoy the interior designs. People go to the malls to buy what they need and transact business in a very organized and quick manner. Even on the streets for example, the famous term New York City Rush Hour is definitely an understatement compared to the actual hustle in the main avenues of people walking, and cars locked up in traffic. Definitely this is a direct contradiction to the serenely waving New York state flag seen atop buildings.

The Big Apple…the Fast Apple…the biggest city in the world. Any term which describes something so modern and civilized may be connected with this super productive city.

by: The Flagman

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
When you have a great gig going on, got the monthly commission or simply got a cash present from an aunt that lives in Europe, what do you usually spend it on? Do you immediately buy clothes? Shoes? Gadgets? Do you pamper yourself through an out of town trip? A spa getaway? A liposuction? Now let’s not get too giddy here.

Actually, you must start investing on what could be the most important things in your life—appliances. These are the "gadgets" that go into your home, and will most likely help make it a more cozy and more inviting place to live in. Just so you don't sigh everytime you enter that front door and see your 3 year old custom table runner.

One of the best things to invest in is your television. This is, hands down, the focal point of your living room interior design. When people enter your home and reach your living room, this will be the first thing that they will look at. Moreover, most living room sets are designed facing the TV. So if you want an instant spice-up for your apartment or your humble abode, upgrade through an awesome TV.

Choose something that does not take too much space (especially space which you really cannot afford to give away). Also, choose a TV that is packed with features, with great sound quality, a look that's very contemporary its style can stand for a decade. Now THAT’s one great investment. Don't forget the pennant streamers once you've unwrapped your new baby.

by: The Flagman

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Going into the hotel business isn't that difficult. This is because you know that as long as you keep things clean and orderly, you will always have a market. This is especially true if you live in a country that thrives on tourism. This is because your primary market is based on the number of people who visit your country. If you play your cards right, you will be fully booked when tourist season comes around.

The first thing that you have to do is to make sure you're noticed. This is because you need to grab the attention of the people who you want to be a part of your market. Otherwise, other hotels will take that opportunity from you. You can achieve this by using attention flags. If you set them up at strategic locations around your building, you can actually attract backpackers who are still looking for a good hotel to stay in. What's more, you can easily get the attention that you need as some tourists might even use your building as a point of reference. This makes your business easy to remember.

If you feel that you've got a few things figured out already, you can focus on the other things that can enhance the experience of your hotel. You can even go as far as setting different themes for different occasions. You can start by using the different cultures of the tourists that visit to your advantage. Set different meals or different decorations based on different cultures. You can even use their world flags for emphasis regarding the kind of culture that you want to use for your theme.

by: The Flagman

Monday, May 10, 2010
A lot of girls really feel the pressure of getting into a romantic relationship. We know of a lot of girls who try to bring out the best of them all the time. We've seen them multitask careers and keeping pretty on the side, plus handle a social network to keep them always 'in the know'. Despite these efforts, a lot of women also defeat their previous 'techniques' because they're always feeling sorry about themselves. Now here's where the warning flags come a-fluttering.

When you are always feeling sorry for yourself, you will feel bad and then this will affect your self-esteem. See, despite your efforts, you are single. And you make this worse by broadcasting to the world how sorry you are. Know what that makes you? A big loser. Yes a big, shiny L on your forehead, like a custom table banner.

So everytime you feel down in the dumps, do something that makes you happy. Just go out there and enjoy yourself. Take that class you've been wanting to for a long time, read a good book and cry, laugh or marvel in spite of yourself, watch a great movie despite being alone, and treat yourself to an extra large sundae just because. Surround yourself with positive energy and quit being sorry you're single, 'cause if you continue doing so, then that might just be the reason why you are.

Say hello to a more beautiful and an emotionally healthier you! And a new lover, perhaps? Who knows!

by: The Flagman

Friday, May 7, 2010
Sometimes, we enter competitions just for the heck of it. Other times, we enter them because we know that we can win them. Most of the time, we join competitions because we want to bring home that trophy. This is because we associate winning with fame, fortune, and everything else in between. However, it does take a lot of practice just for you to even get a shot at what you want to achieve. Furthermore, you need to keep your eye on the prize.
Some competitions are extremely large-scale. This means that you sometimes have to face off with different opponents coming from different countries. It is during these competitions that you will also see their world flags. After all, since they are already representatives of their countries, they might as well bring something that can represent their country as well. Otherwise, they might not be as inspired as they should be when it counts. This is because they not only look at the flag as a symbol for their country but it also represents the honor that they want to earn.
Some tournaments actually have different kinds of trophies. This is because they want to have a different effect on the people who take part in it. Sometimes, winning a competition might mean taking someone else’s team symbol. This is evident in war games as capture-the-flag game modes require you to capture your opponent's military flag while keeping your own flag safe. This raises the stakes as you not only lose the competition but you also lose the symbol that defines your team.

by: The Flagman

Thursday, May 6, 2010
Independence Day is fast approaching for the citizens of the United States of America. On the fourth of July, people would normally be seen to go out to the streets, bring their American miniature flags and celebrate the day the country was given freedom from British Colonial Rule.

More than two hundred years have passed since Thomas Jefferson and the other founding members signed the Declaration of Independence, a hallmark in the beginning of a new generation, a new nation, and new ideals of hope, freedom, justice, and equality for all.

Many people nowadays just simply celebrate and have fun on the streets' merry making, making the best out of the non-working holiday. However, a lot have no idea of how important the marked day is and even the American miniature flags representing it.

To start, a lot of men have died for the cause of these American miniature flags so that each individual could happily carry it and wave it in the air. When the original thirteen states broke free from the mighty British Empire, it was as if they signed a death warrant for defying those in acknowledged authority. It was a classic tale similar to the Biblical David and Goliath, where the odds of being able to defeat a much larger force were almost impossible.

Yet, righteousness and justice triumphed. Indeed the big Guy up there in the heavens really awards due rewards to those who work with the blood and sweat of aspirations and dreams.

The next time you look at American miniature flags or even the regular sized ones, acknowledge the patriotism of those great leaders who have put their lives on the line for a society living with liberty and justice for all.

by: The Flagman

Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Wars and conflicts between nations have been at a fairly equated balance, with those in higher governments knowledgeable that the stability is more fragile than what many common citizens may think. More common armed conflicts reported by the media are those within a country between government forces and insurgents or rebels. However, there are some instances when armed tension happen between two opposing nations with opposing interests, and with these conflicts come sad news of impending death among armed combatants and the even worse occurrences of those taken prisoners denoted by a flashed POW-MIA flag.

The most popularized and highly publicized international wars during the last century may have been the first and second world wars, with the more modern armed conflicts such as those during the Cold and Gulf wars. Over time during the last 100 or so years, conflicts have seen less and less of combatants as frontline potential casualties as the rules of engagement have changed. The number of families carrying a POW-MIA flag has also diminished significantly, which is a good indication that consciousness and value for human lives even between soldiers are given more attention than before.

Wars may come and go without expected timing and with unexpected resolution, so as the instance of a POW-MIA Flag being hoisted to indicate a casualty of war being random. But, while the same armaments cause these outcomes of worry and grief, without them there may not be any hope for those people and nations being protected by the soldiers. To all soldiers who have placed their lives on the line for the sake of security of others, with some coming home victorious and some as kept captive by the enemy, we all salute you.

by: The Flagman

Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Have you been able to take a break from your work and reward yourself that long anticipated vacation recently? Perhaps you may be thinking of that long weekend in roman tic Paris, or maybe a culturally enriching experience in the Louvre Museum, or perhaps a bright beach vacation at the beach and basking in the sun. In any of these vacation hotspots for tourists, there will be that familiar view of a lined up series of blank tall flags ready to greet and accompany you on yr relaxing journey.

Perhaps you are wondering why it is common nowadays to see these multi-colored blank tall flags being set up on places where a lot of people converge, usually in places with a long, continuous fence, or in wide open spaces.

Ideally, these blank tall flags serve one main purpose – to catch and draw the attention of onlookers and passers by towards the place they are supposed to outline or define. As these flags are set up higher than normal, they give a sense of majesty especially as they sway and dance along with the tempo of the wind that blows through them.

In addition, these blank tall flags are fully customizable to be imprinted and designed with your own advertising, giving an edge in being potent eye catchers and also as commercial banners to boost sales, revenue, and patronage. More and more establishments, especially resorts and hotels utilize these blank tall flags in order to make their place more appealing and enticing.

by: The Flagman

Monday, May 3, 2010
Conflict has always played a part in the history of man. However, not all conflicts were bloody and resolved only by the deaths of citizens or monarchs. Some conflicts have been relatively peaceful and silent. This means that there are different ways of forwarding a cause. And sometimes, all you have to do is ask for what you want. Of course, you don't always get what you want. But there is a point in trying. After all, if you don't get it the first time around, you can always try again with different methods.

Most conflicts can be traced to situations that have particularly demeaning conditions for one party or another. This kind of scenario usually warrants change for one of the involved parties. The most common parties to be involved in these events are usually the ones associated with gender and other sensitive issues. That is why you can expect to see pride flags in some of these rallies and other activities. They use those tools so that they can send a message through symbols that can be easily associated with their cause.

Sometimes, it goes beyond social issues. The most common reason behind a public outcry is a political reason. This could be in line with a regime change, a protest against a government policy, or even a move to change the kind of government they have. People are actually very creative when it comes to these events. The ringleaders can find different ways of using different kinds of props to their advantage. They can even convert utility markers for them to use as a prop to send their message.

by: The Flagman