When you have a great gig going on, got the monthly commission or simply got a cash present from an aunt that lives in Europe, what do you usually spend it on? Do you immediately buy clothes? Shoes? Gadgets? Do you pamper yourself through an out of town trip? A spa getaway? A liposuction? Now let’s not get too giddy here.
Actually, you must start investing on what could be the most important things in your life—appliances. These are the "gadgets" that go into your home, and will most likely help make it a more cozy and more inviting place to live in. Just so you don't sigh everytime you enter that front door and see your 3 year old
custom table runner.
One of the best things to invest in is your television. This is, hands down, the focal point of your living room interior design. When people enter your home and reach your living room, this will be the first thing that they will look at. Moreover, most living room sets are designed facing the TV. So if you want an instant spice-up for your apartment or your humble abode, upgrade through an awesome TV.
Choose something that does not take too much space (especially space which you really cannot afford to give away). Also, choose a TV that is packed with features, with great sound quality, a look that's very contemporary its style can stand for a decade. Now THAT’s one great investment. Don't forget the
pennant streamers once you've unwrapped your new baby.
The Flagman