In this day and age, when a lot of people are so used to multitasking and leading busy lives, we often overlook the basic importance of eating right. And yes, that means eating the right kinds of food, eating at the right time, eating the right amount of calories, sugar and carbs, etc. Fastfood is so common today, and they’re also very convenient. More and more people also prefer eating out because it is more pleasurable and they can just "drop by" after work or school. Like eating has custom
street banners posted on the way home.
The truth is, our bad eating habits can actually hurt us in the long run. So here is a quick tip: when you eat, indulge in the moment and give it your best shot. Avoid eating while you are working, heavy-texting, watching TV or surfing the internet. Sometimes you won't even feel all the flavors that you're supposed to taste in your tongue. Seems like the food just passed by. Indulge in the actual experience of eating—sight-wise, smell-wise, taste-wise and even touch-wise, if possible.
When you lose yourself in that one moment, of eating, you will appreciate what it is for and you will have a sense of consciousness in its purpose. Don't hurry and don't take nutrition for granted. Think about eating as not just an experience but also a health and wellness decision. Eat right. Don't wait for the
warning flags to come out later in life. Trust me, your body will thank you later.
The Flagman