Fidel Castro became Cuba’s head of state in the 1960s and it was during this time that he prevented people from practicing religion and deemed the country atheist. Cuba was also disallowed from celebrating anything related to religion like holding mass, celebrating Christmas and Lent and featuring church decorations. There were a number of exceptions, however, where Castro allowed people to display decorations in the country for business purposes. Restaurants and hotels were allowed to feature decorations for foreign tourists, who were not prohibited from enjoying Christmas even while away from home. Catholics were still hopeful that someday, Castro would lift the ban.
Several decades later, Castro was more forgiving when it came to holiday celebrations especially after Pope John Paul visited Cuba in 1998. Castro allowed Christians to enjoy Christmas and other religious holidays after he met with the Pope.
Christmas was once again available in Cuba and people were allowed to gather and spend the holidays together. There were Christmas masses held in churches and feasts and decors were allowed again during the season.
Now, the Revolution Square in the city of Havana prepares a big mass for Christians each Christmas. People gather during Christmas to attend mass together and then dine with family and loved ones. Other religious events like Lent and Easter were also brought back in the country.
Now, religion is the same as the Cuban flag in terms of status. Cuba has changed from being atheist to secular. Pope John Paul can be given a lot of credit for helping return Christmas to Cuba. Labels: Cuban flag, custom flag, custom flag maker, custom flag. personalized flag
The Flagman