The Italians celebrate Christmas in a different way compared to other nations. In Italy, Christmas lasts more than just one day. Some celebrate the holidays for a full three weeks. Often, the event always starts with a prayer.
People begin the Novena about eight days before December 25. The tradition has been passed on for several decades. People generally play music and share fun times together. The Novena time is usually followed by young individuals who are good at playing musical instruments. They go around town singing Christmas carols as well as sharing Christmas stories. Musicians sometimes dress in Christmas clothes, while others are dressed like shepherds. The performers would sing at various homes around the community. They usually get money in exchange for the holiday cheer that they bring.
Christmas preparations are also done during Novena. Many Christian homes showcase their own nativity scenario, which is actually a custom that originated in Italy. A lot of people are excited to feature their own take of the nativity. Many would use different materials with the manger as the central piece. A pyramid is created to make the setup as beautiful and interesting as possible.
In Rome, Christmas begins by firing a cannon at the Castel St. Agnelo on Christmas Eve. The people would fast first and then feast on Christmas Day in Italy. Italians like to prepare a wide array of dishes like pasta, pastries and meats to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Families would gather to enjoy the meal together.Labels: custom flag, custom flag maker, custom flag. personalized flag, Italian flag
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