Custom Street Pole Banners - Custom Feather Flags

Thursday, May 27, 2010

All around the world we get to see peace flags and banners being setup in different ways. Even the flag of the United Nations for example is a symbol of peace and unity among the different nations of the world. The word peace has been more than just a mere concept since man walked the earth. Peace is a general dogma of universal proportions. Everybody in their right and sensible mind would desire peace in one form or another. Even those who may commit a crime would sooner or later seek a state of peace and tranquility for the self or for the cause he is protecting.

With the dove carrying a fresh stalk from a plant, peace flags brandishing this image projects a sense of lightheartedness and wellness for all those who want to take part in it. This image may have been adapted from the concept that doves are very peaceful creatures, and martyrs to be more precise. While other animals resort to claws, teeth, and aggression to preserve their existence, doves just shy away from danger and trouble. Even at times, doves are said to just twist their heads and die in the process just to overcome anguish or loneliness.

The peaceful nature of doves is paired with the fresh stalk from a plant – a symbol of having a fresh start. With new beginnings come new possibilities of a better way to coexist with one another. Instead of resorting to violence and overpowering forces to drive one's influence, true power is peace which starts with the self instead of grabbing it from others. No matter how powerful a person or nation is, without internal peace and sense of security, the state of power will not last long nor be stable enough to withstand the self. Power without peace is still without power to remain as is.

by: The Flagman