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Thursday, October 30, 2008
The strategic location of Bahrain in the Persian Gulf, probably dictated its previous economic activity - pearl diving that abounds within the 33 islands of the country. Although since 1930, the oil industry has replaced pearl diving, Bahrain has emerged as a major communication and financial center.

It gained independence from Britain in 1971, but somehow it caused the rise of conflicts between the ruling Sunni tribe and the Shiite majority. Despite the rigid Islam adherence of its neighbors, Bahrain is far more liberal and the culture is distinctly different. A new constitution was drafted and adopted in 2002, which provided for an elected parliament and gave women encompassing rights as they were allowed to vote and stand as candidates during elections.

The new Bahrain National Flag is a direct reflection of the aspirations of the people to really blend with citizens worldwide. The national emblem had a white band on the left (the hoist side), separated from the red on the right side by five triangles that look like a serrated line. Red has been considered as the traditional colors of the emblem of the Persian Gulf states and the five points on the flag represent the five pillars of Islam.

Being small compared to its Persian Gulf neighbors, Bahrain must play a delicate balance in its foreign affairs deals, or it could be swallowed by any of the surrounding countries. As it faced declining oil reserves, it has diversified to petroleum processing and has metamorphosed itself into an international banking center.

The stability now experienced could be attributed to King Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa, who in 1999 pushed for economic and political reforms to improve relations among the ethnic groups.

by: The Flagman