At the height of the British Colonial occupation, Belize was previously referred to as the British Honduras. At its independence on September 21, 1981, the name was changed to Belize but retained the earlier version of the flag of British Honduras and adopted it as the official National Flag of Belize.
flag of Belize is a royal blue field, with a white disc containing the National Coat of Arms placed at the center and encircled by fifty mahogany leaves. The national emblem is bordered at the top and bottom by two red stripes. The flag specifically used twelve different colors, three more than on any other national flag; also it is the only country that humans are depicted on its emblem.
Belize lies along the Caribbean Coast of Central America and is bordered by Mexico and Guatemala. This geographical grouping was the site of the ancient Mayan civilization, a more advanced society that existed long before Greece and Rome came into being. This finding had been supplemented by the archaeological digging that shows their latent skills in pottery, the arts and even astronomy.
The first British settlement started in 1638 and was granted independence by the United Kingdom in 1981, thus the influence could be clearly manifested including English the official language, although Spanish is widely spoken. Because Belize enjoys relative peace and coupled with huge tract of lands, it becomes the haven of refugees coming from troubled neighboring countries.
Tourists also flock to the country, to see and examine the preserved remnants of the Mayan civilization (like Altun Ha); and the wildlife that abounds with jaguars, howler monkeys, and toucans; and enjoy Western Hemisphere’s longest coral reef.
The Flagman