Custom mini flags are being used more commonly nowadays, thanks to their versatility and functionality on almost any type of purpose or occasion. And thanks to the idea of having them being modifiable to suit your needs and style, the combinations of layouts and effects done on these flags are endless. While having your flags stand out in the crowd would depend on the imagination and savvy of the owner, getting some professional advice for tips and tricks would be way better. Here are some basic tips to get you started.
Having loud custom mini flags is technically what you want to do to have them noticed. One of the most important considerations to have is that the color scheme of the material as well as the contrasting colors printed should really have a good effect for passers-by.
You may start off with neon colors. Being flashy and bright colors, they already give you one point advantage than using earth colors or similar ones. Since your first objective is to get their attention, you may want to utilize having these colors as your base. Once you get their initial attention, it would be your message that would let retention attention work.
Now, to have them retain their attention a little longer, you could do away with a very striking and visible icon printed on the flag. A simple and clear icon would be easier to appreciate for those crucial few seconds so they would check the message on the flag further. Of course, you would want to have the icon be as relevant to the event as possible. Businessmen use company logos for this purpose for example.
Lastly, you can play around with the layout of words or perhaps change look of the flag by putting some borders like tassels or LED lights. Making your flags alive and festive definitely draws more attention.
After having considered these three simple steps in making your custom mini flags, you may then seek consultation from a
custom flag maker and save yourself a bundle, and rake in investment more.
The Flagman