Technically, the number of ways you can create your
custom printed flag are unlimited. It all depends on your purpose, intended concept, layout, and added information. Before you get too excited on creating one right away, you have to remember some important reminders so as not to create an eyesore or a confusing job order instead.
A simple but relatively confusing concept is to first find the inspiration of your custom printed flag. It has to have a reason may it be abstract or concrete. You just cant jumble in anything you may come across and expect wonders to occur. While a huge part of making one entails an artistic output, there should be a good balance with art and information so as not to confuse viewers on what you mean to present. By having a central theme, you may then expand your concept later on.
After you have accounted the personal creativity aspect, you have to jump into the technical side. In this part, you definitely have to consider the material you will use for your printout. A quick drying “any surface” ink would be the best choice to avoid smudges and run offs. Oh, and remember to get a permanent dye instead of those cheap water soluble ones which will wash away when subjected to rain or any wet spills.
In totality, your custom printed flag should have a timetable so that you wouldn’t be wasting your time, effort and other valuable resources. Having a well laid out plan before the implementation sets your mind free from any distractions which may ruin your project. Having a clear mind as well makes you more adept in adding a few artistic touches to your
custom printed flag along the way.
The Flagman