In the earlier times, flags were only seen during special events such as fiestas, parades and national Flag Day. It had been customary for all people to post and wave these on those occasions because it symbolizes one's involvement and appreciation. But through time, the appearance and purpose of flags have evolved perhaps for the better.
Flags have become bolder and we practically see it everywhere. And today, it has become one of the most effective advertising tools in the industry.
Whenever there are store openings and upcoming events, we see flags in every street corner. And when there are gatherings, we almost always see flags fluttering. But have you ever wondered why companies and organizations spend a large amount of money for these, considering the advancement in technology? Why don't they just advertise through text messages or email? The answer is simple.
Flags can easily catch the attention of every passerby, it is practically cheaper and less time consuming compared with other advertising tools such as news paper and mail. With just one flag, you get to convey your message to a number of people and it can even reach other people from afar because of its size. Plus it brings a different effect on those onlookers because the messages written are easily kept in the minds and a number are by far convinced even if they haven't tried the product. And a large number of those who saw the advertisement would end up purchasing the product once they see it displayed on stores especially when no other competing brand is available.
The Flagman