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Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Hotel flags
Comforts weary travelers

Why do hotels need a flag in the first place? As far as we know, there is no definite answer, but it could have evolved through generations of the hotels existence. Or somebody may just have thought of putting one and others simply followed to the point that it later became the standard of the industry. Nobody can deny the fact that the presence of the hotel flag adds some form of mystical effect to the structure and when placed in proper sequence it gives an overall appearance of festivity.

Initially straight from the onset, hotel companies design logos for their stationeries and official documents, then gradually when they start out advertising campaigns these are all printed as emblems in flags to promote the diverse services offered. And during trade fairs and tourism forums they print flags to compete with other hotel companies for space and recognition. So whether you belong to the established hotel chains like Hotel Marriot, the Holiday Inns or the Hilton hotels, you always advertise so tourists will instantly recall once they are within your area. Some hotels had their presence felt once travelers alight from their planes because they have flags that adorn the connecting boulevard from the airport, as shown on street poles, or aptly erected on strategic open spaces and probably on buildings blank walls.

This is true, hotels spend a lot for its advertising campaigns to promote the services and amenities available so that future tourists will remember where to book in case they are within the vicinity. So, after a long road trip or maybe extended flights, when weary tourists see the hotel flags even at a distance, they can already feel relief because it means comfort and really superb dining facilities.

What hotel gives you the most discriminating experience? Do you think you can also recall the flags that kept you company on these memorable journeys?

by: The Flagman