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Thursday, July 17, 2008
We have been too preoccupied with our interpretation of the American flag that we have failed to look more closely on the symbolism attached to our neighbors flag, Mexico. This is really important because Mexico is just across the border and besides most of our migrant residents is part of the vibrant Mexican-Latino community.

Are you aware that Mexico has adopted three colors for their flag? Much like our own flag with red, white and blue, Mexico's flag carries a vertical color combination of red, white and green with the national coat of arms placed strategically at the center of the white stripe. This national tricolor has been officially adapted since 1968, but this overall design has been in use since 1821, when the national emblem was first created.

What does the color symbolize? The original interpretation of the Mexican tricolor is; that green symbolizes the country's independence from Spain, or during the country's war and struggle for independence; white stands for the country's religion - the Roman Catholic faith; and red represents the union of all the people of the world, Europeans and Americans included.

However since the secularization of Mexico which was spearheaded by its President Benito Juarez during the latter part of the 20th century, the color symbolism has radically changed. Green now signifies hope; white is for the unity of the people of Mexico; and red represents the blood shed by the national heroes of Mexico.

So, having known what the Mexican flag symbolizes, are you also adept on what the American flag stands for, particularly the stars and stripes?

by: The Flagman