Custom Street Pole Banners - Custom Feather Flags

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
A visit to the Philippines absolutely isn't complete without the jeepney experience. The jeepney is the most basic means of transportation found in this country. It is originally built from the US military vehicles which were left during the 2nd World War. Now after so many years since its so-called birth, the jeepney has still remained to be a national symbol of Philippine culture.

To say that it has become much bigger, innovative and colorful is an understatement. The jeepneys these days come in all shapes in sizes and a lot of are adorned with eye-catching car flags and other accessories displayed on the hood. Designs on the flags vary, some with abstract gothic patterns while others are decorated with Disney cartoon characters and action figures . Other jeepney ornaments also include a display of miniature world flags that make the ride more interesting and the vehicle itself good-looking.

Jeepneys can be classified into various sizes, with those large ones specifically designed for long distance routes and the smaller ones built to travel within main city thoroughfares only. While the first jeepneys were refurbished from used U.S. military jeeps, the ones running today are mostly produced by local manufactures or are refurbished Japanese and Korean vehicles.

Just the sight of the flags in vibrant colors, moving along with the rush of the wind is just one of the unforgettable things one could ever have while riding the jeepney. It may not be that grand or that extravagant, but it gives the passenger a unique feeling of riding in a public transport only found in the Philippines.

by: The Flagman