When you talk about internet marketing being boring and being outdated are really bad signs of efforts gone wrong. One of the reasons why a lot of news writers make bad SEO writers is because they can't have their way with words which are compelling. Remember that in order to better internet marketing, you have to be interesting. Like a bunch of colorful
feather flags on a sunny day. And since the web is a hodgepodge of information, you have to be really outstanding and extraordinary to catch the attention of a potential customer. Its one thing to capture their eye; and it's another to turn attention to interest to desire and then purchase.
Another major turn off when talking about internet marketing is being outdated. There are articles which discuss things which have long been gone like old video games or old fashion pieces, and some writers which think they're still hot still discuss it in their articles as hot trends, or something. Also, there are improvements in language (Google is a verb now!) and a good SEO writer should be updated about these. Outdatedness is a turn off since it presents a crippled language repertoire. Same goes for graphics and other forms of media, as the digital world is innovating in high speed.
So if you want to keep your relevance in the internet and in all the industries which operate on it, being boring and being outdated are the top two things you don't want to be or to be affiliated with. You can search the net for the latest internet marketing tips, they come aplenty. Then customize them like your own
corporate logo flags.
The Flagman