Have you experienced buying something which was out of your budget but then you buy it anyway because you feel like you truly want it? Have you ever experienced going out of your way to avail a service, and spending a lot for it, and then feeling so pampered afterwards? And in the middle of these things, did you feel like you're totally going to tell your friends about it? Well, pretty much everyone of us has been in these kinds of situations. The issue here is that, why do we continue to want and covet such things even when we know they’re well out of our budgets?
Here's the cold hard truth guys: what we really buy is the experience and not the product or the service. Every product or service has a core benefit which we intend to avail but then this core benefit can be shaded with other benefits that the entire package becomes one valuable enterprise. For example, hotels. When we go to hotels and avail their service, what we really buy is sleep and accommodation. But then when we see a hotel with a gym, with nice
custom table banners, excellent room service and yummy food on their restaurant, we will really deem our experience of high value. That is why we will be willing to spend for the experience, even when we can just avail sleep and accommodation somewhere else.
So the next time that you do your budgeting or canvassing, remember the
corporate logo flags of the companies that you trust, the companies where you had great experiences with. Just be careful how much leeway can you give for some "extras".
The Flagman