Today, very busy lives are common to most people. This is due to the rise of the contributions of technology to making our lives better. Sure, most of the cellular phones nowadays are jam packed with features like mp3, camera, organizer, clock, and even video calling. Same goes for laptops and other gadgets. These things make us believe that we can do so much and so the expectations of people also rise. Seems like most of the time we have “all-in-one”
custom flags plastered on our foreheads.
You might have heard of tips to relax and most of those tips are going to the spa, the salon or travelling. Although a lot have really attested to the relaxing effects of such endeavors, they are very costly. If you are a little low on budget, then you can do well with a simple relaxing hobby—reading.
Reading relaxes your mind in such a way that a book or a magazine in front of you serves as a shield from the rest of the world. It kind of isolates you from the world around you and then takes you to a totally different atmosphere. With books you can also invoke feelings which is healthy to take your mind off the things which worry you—horror, adventure, romantic, light, funny, just take your pick.
The best thing about reading (and this will relax you also) is that it doesn’t cost a lot. A full body massage could be worth 4 books, or 2 magazines. A foot spa session could cost the same. What’s more, reading can boost your mental performance. Isn’t that such a priceless plus? Start with a book a week and someday you won’t need
avenue banners to remind you to read.
The Flagman