Have you ever seen one of those original Spanish drama series? Not the translated versions but the original ones spoken in true Spanish. Don’t they sound so endearing? I’m pretty sure that many will agree when I say that the Spanish language is indeed the most romantic.
The words, the flow, the intonation, or just about everything about it is so romantic. This may be why many Spanish phrases or sentences are used even by the non-Spanish because of its attractive qualities. Sentences such as “Yo te amo”, meaning ‘I love you’, and “No me ames”, one of J Lo and Marc’s famous duets have been quite a hit around the globe. Knowing this, using Spanish in your custom flags might just attract the attention that you may need.
It does not have to be in pure Spanish, you can add a twist to as phrase by incorporating a Spanish word with common English words - for example, using the phrase ‘Come in Amigos’ is definitely more attractive than’ come in friends.’ Aside from giving your place some uniqueness it also gives it a multi-cultural character.
Using some Spanish in your custom flags will surely attract the attention of those passing by. Imagine being situated along a street lined with establishments, making your mark and standing out will be easier with a little Spanish flavor.
Just to complete things and keep them in perspective, why not take it all the way and have you’re a Spanish style design for your interiors? Not only will you keep things looking coordinated but the romantic feel of anything related with the Spanish will surely make your place stand out even more. Now, getting your way is now made easy with a little Spanish language and some custom flags.