Custom twirler flags are commonly used for corporate promotions or for racing events. However, did you know that twirler flags are also good to use for speech tournaments/ contests? Such contests include declamation contests, speech choir, extemporaneous speaking and debate tournaments.
Such contests include declamation contests, speech choir, extemporaneous speaking and debate tournaments. If you are thinking of holding a speech contest yourself, here are some ways to make use of colorful and well-designed twirler flags:
Most speech contests work with a certain time limit. For example, you can only have 15 minutes of prep time before a debate round and 3 minutes of prep for extemporaneous. Use twirler flags to mark when it’s just a minute for the time allowance to end, and another flag for when it has already ended.
Another creative way to use custom twirler flags is to command the audience. Use differently colored flags for the audience to cheer on their bet for the contest. Red for contestant 1 and blue for contestant 2. Also, you can use marked flags to command the audience that it is the time to applaud and to mellow them down when they cheer too loudly. Remember, it’s a speech contest. The contestant’s supposed to be heard when s/he speaks.
custom twirler flags may also be used to command attention. If there’s a portion of the contest where it’s interactive with the audience or where the contestants are supposed to be beating each other to be the first one to say out a word or something, twirler flags are easy pointers to see who really raised his/ her marker first.
The Flagman