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Custom Street Pole Banners - Custom Feather Flags

Monday, November 21, 2011
Did you ever ponder why golf flags come in an array of colors on the golf course? Primarily, the colors generally do not indicate anything special, but these are highly dependent on the golf courses. Bigger golf courses usually have 3 flags minimum per hole. Each can have various significance, such as red flags presenting the pin located at the center, yellow flags presenting the pin located in front and black flags that presenting the pin located at the rear. Each golf course customizes its own flags.

There are also flags that include numbers to show which hole you're currently at. The colors can vary on these as well. Some flags guide golfers and provide needed information during the game. Other golfers bring their own personal flag that are designed based on their own needs. Golf carts sometimes also have mini flags. Few flags will show golfers the wind velocity. These are very helpful for golfers to control their swing better.

Some contests include supporters. These companies are allowed to showcase their personal designs and brands on golf flags located in every hole. The branded flags are useful advertising tools that are continually used by different people and companies. In some cases, the flags can also function as a gift item for tournaments and other special occasions.

Custom golf flags are helpful for every golf enthusiast and player. These can be given as a display and functional tool at tournaments, a motif for an event or party or a present. Every golf game you see will include several of these flags.

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by: The Flagman