One of the most popular pirate flags that graced the high seas is Blackbeard’s flag. The banner features a black canton with a skeleton in the middle holding a spear going through a human heart. The other hand of the skeleton raised a glass to the devil. Captain Blackbeard immediately scared other vessels just by raising the flag wherever his ship went.
Another pirate, Christopher Moody, was also highly notorious during the 18th century. His ship moved along the South Carolina Coast. He was later on caught and hung. Moody’s flag, however, became very much recognised. It featured gold against a red canton. There is also a gold hourglass with dark wings. This signified that the time of his enemy was over. There is a white hand with a dagger and the famous skull with crossbones. The red canton represented blood which meant death to whoever opposes them.
Another pirate from France, Emanuel Wynn, is also famous for being the first one to show the Jolly Roger banner. There is no actual evidence to support this but his banner features the hourglass under the skull with crossbones.
Bartholomew Roberts is a pirate who featured the Black Bart Flag. It shows a pirate standing on skulls. The acronyms “AMH” and “ABH” appeared on the banner which stands for “A Martinique’s Head” and “A Barbadian’s Head”.
Pirates are as real as they are in the stories. Today, pirate flags are still waved in various sporting events and parties. There are people wearing pirate costumes complete with the banners.Labels: custom flag, custom flag maker, custom flag. personalized flag, pirate flags
The Flagman