How well do you know your
flag ? Ask the baby boomers generation and definitely you'll get a good and positive answer including its colorful history. In fact they are so adept with the subject that they can inspire people by the way they relate the saga behind the development of the national tricolor. From the time the flag was first used by George Washington, to the moment where it became the rallying point as Abraham Lincoln urged the troops during the civil war, and even during man's first landing on the moon.
How will our modern generation or generation 'Y' answer to such query? Well in scale of 1 to 10 maybe probably 4. They know their flag, but they could not relate to it with the same passion as the baby boomers generation. Our educators have always taught our students the importance of the flag, and as such it will always be glued to their minds what our founding fathers sacrificed in order for us to attain the freedom that they aspired in the first place.
How did the American flag inspire its people? During the World Wars, the American flag becomes a universal symbol of freedom, because wherever it was displayed and on whatever country it always serves as a safe haven for people struggling for freedom. In the South Pacific for example, the surrender of the Japanese forces signifies the raising of the American tricolor ending a decade of war. As the reel of the event was brought to the silver screen, Americans stood in salute to the ideals that Americans hold, for justice and equality for all.
It was a moment for Americans, indeed each had become really proud of our existence and as a major contributor to the fight for democracy.
The Flagman