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Custom Street Pole Banners - Custom Feather Flags

Wednesday, April 16, 2008
People have so many ways of showing their pride on their flags; there are people who wears clothes with flag designs; some place decorative objects with flag patterns inside their houses or offices; others put miniature flagpoles on their desk; and several setup residential flagpoles inside their properties. All of these practices are appropriate and acceptable since we are unique individuals having different manners of expressing our feelings. Yet despite the number of ways, we consider it best if flags are left flying in the air supported by a flagpole. Primarily because we have been accustomed to such practice considering that even in the early times flags have already been raised up in the air. Also it is the best way that the flag can command respect and admiration from the people who believes in it. Notice the rewarding feeling every time we see flags in the air? It is indescribable.

This is probably the reason why we act differently during flag ceremonies. It seems likely that we are overpowered by the presence of the flag and we willingly give respect to it by placing our right arm on our chests and heartily singing the national anthem while it is being raised. Some people would certainly react to what I've said because through the years we have been taught to act that way. But then how can one explain the emotional attachment that people have every time the flags are raised? That can't be taught in schools or by anybody. Think about it.

by: The Flagman