You may have been asked these kind of questions, why do all ships have flagpoles? Does it play an important role? Or is it just for decorative purposes? One of the most important objects in sailing ships is the
nautical flagpole because this is where the country flag or the organization's flag is. Without it, the ship would not be well represented and passing ships would not be able to recognize the country of origin or the organization that the ship belongs to. Besides, it would be a great help for ships that have engine or navigation troubles because the flag on the flagpole is visible from afar. Also it is really necessary for a ship to raise its flag because the absence of it could mean a threat to the area thereby putting yourself at risk because passing ships might consider you as an enemy. In addition, when you have gone beyond your country's territorial water's, the foreign country accosting your vessel would know which group or country you came from, so they can offer assistance.
Nautical flagpoles can also be used as a means to flaunt your country's flag. Showing it to foreign ships would give an impression that you are proud of your country and you honor your flag. Also it would mean that you're asking for respect and you must extend the same courtesy for other passing ships.
So the next time somebody asks you about the existence of nautical flagpoles, you can reply accordingly.
The Flagman