A country flag is a symbol that represents the struggles, culture and traditions of its citizens. Normally these flags serve to define the country's history or it could be an expression of the country's freedom and bravery of a few men to liberate the people from oppression among others. Considering the depth of the significance of the country flags, this could probably be the primary reason why citizens take pride in their flags and they flaunt and wave it even if they are already citizens of a new land. Take for instance the Spanish-speaking populace who have migrated to the United States, as observed, their houses have country flags posted outside their doors; Spanish owned establishments and institutions have hanged flags; and others who open up restaurants and shops put up
Spanish message flags . So, normally customers who want to taste Spanish delicacies would enter establishments colorfully designed with the country flag.
True enough, Spanish migrants passing along the specialty shops enter not only to taste the food but also to savor the feeling of being home once again. This is because the decorations and the atmosphere inside these shops are designed to make one feel that he is in his own country. Other than the migrants, foreigners enter these specialty shops too out of curiosity over the new delicacies that could be a treat to their palate. And those who have already visited the Spanish country take time to spend lunch or dinner on these shops because of their desire to duplicate the feeling and ambience once again. With the Spanish migrants' unsurpassed loyalty towards their flag, they have elevated the idea of reverence to one's flag.
The Flagman