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Custom Street Pole Banners - Custom Feather Flags

Tuesday, April 8, 2008
A number of people have been wondering why there are numerous rainbow flags found in the San Francisco streets. For first time visitors, they would probably conclude that a feast has been celebrated while others would presume that it's a symbol of one's support to some sports activities or school festivities nearby. And there are some who would incline the flag as a religious representation since the rainbow symbolizes God's promise to Noah that He will never again flood the earth. But then, neither of the mentioned beliefs fit the true representation of the rainbow flag.

Rainbow flags, also known as pride flags , actually represent the gay community. The six colors that we see correspond to specific ideals wherein red and orange is to life and healing; yellow and green for the sun and serenity with nature; blue and violet harmony and spirit. Collectively, these colors embody the colorful lifestyle of the homosexuals that most of us refuse to accept and understand. Only if we take some time to do away with our resistance towards their gender choices, we can see that these individuals are ordinary citizens just like any man or woman. We simply have opposing beliefs that is why we tend to persecute them. But there's nothing we can do about that because like any other human being, they strive to make a difference in this world and they should be given a chance. And since they take pride in hanging these flags in front of their houses, then we might as well respect their belief and choices, the same way that they respect ours.

by: The Flagman