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Custom Street Pole Banners - Custom Feather Flags

Saturday, April 12, 2008
Have you noticed the table covers that companies and organizations use on public events? Ever wondered why these are almost always present in occasions? Some would probably say that it is simply used to cover the dirt and defects that the tables have while others claim that it adds life to a boring event or products booth. Come to think of it, what really is the true purpose of these (covers).

In a very crowded environment such as trade shows, it is very important for a booth or station to stand out. That is why participants take time and effort to come up with a very inviting booth. A number of them put up banners and ornaments; and there are some who add television sets and radios. Although these ideas proved to lure spectators, still a properly designed table banner beats all others. This is primarily because it becomes the main attraction of the booth. Observe how people react to a booth without a table banner, they tend to shy away because it seems to lack importance and substance; while booths with table banners surprisingly gets more visitors because of the festive atmosphere it represents.

But of course not all table banners have the same effect. There are some details that must be ironed out, such as the type of cloth, color combination and graphic designs. Normally, companies display their logos and the text that will best describe the products being advertised.

by: The Flagman