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Sunday, August 3, 2008
The United Nations have had a positive impact to the world due to its various humanitarian responses to the needy. You can see the United Nation's flag flying in and around the hotspots of the world; to the different NGO's that has been recipients to the UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund) assistance on the plight of children and mothers; to the development of science and technology that will benefit mankind ultimately; and even to the use and control of nuclear energy in order not to jeopardize the existence of mankind.

But, what really amazes us is the UNICEF's desire to feed the hungry children of the world, and mind you it's not really that easy, considering that it could reach over a billion individuals to feed. They can be seen in the far-flung barrios in Asia, to the crevices of the poor in Africa; and even to war ravaged areas, not minding the risk just to extend help to those who really are suffering.

The program of the UNICEF is focused primarily on five priorities; basic education and gender equality (including girl's education); child development and survival; child protection from violence, exploitation and abuse; HIV/AIDS and children; and policy advocacy and partnership for children's right.

Not only is UNICEF out to avert the incidence of famine, but are as well fine-tuned to the new challenges like the spread of AIDS/HIV to the children in areas like Africa and India. They have channeled their thrusts to education of children, because only the right amount of knowledge can transform and correct taboo's practiced in society.

For their effort, they have raised a total of 2.78 billion dollars for 2006, to help them fund the different projects worldwide.

by: The Flagman