Would you believe that there exist a Tibetan prayer flag? In practically all known religions around the world, the use of flags have been universal. The Christians have devised their own flag, so do with the other denominations who had various applications for flags, and the Catholics have their set of flags as well designed after flags used by the Vatican.
However, if you travel to Tibet you will see a lot of unique and colorful flags or the bon prayer flags or sutras. This set of
flags are normally strung by a rope and attached to poles of houses.
Does it have a religious significance? Yes, it was part of their religious life before the indoctrination of Tibet into Buddhism and the bon belief was the dominant religion of the people then. The sutra was part of the indigenous bon religion and today it is still used sparingly but merely as a religious decoration. Having lost its religious significance, sutras still dominates the landscape as their colors are
attractive and stands out from afar, although looking at it closely it shows pictures or text as well as prayers printed on it.
Aside from the sutras, Tibet also hung thangkas - a revered art form usually made from cotton, rectangular in shape and artistically made through the precise application of ink dyes. To complete the cultural feel of Tibet, a circular flag like ornament the mandala is added as it always had religious meaning - associated with good luck or protection, healing and care for the sick.
So, if your intention is a vacation that can provide you with an environmental mooring, then a trip to Tibet will be the answer.
The Flagman