Custom Street Pole Banners - Custom Feather Flags

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Once when I was in Makati, that is one of the cities in the Philippines - stayed there for over a year as head of the marketing arm of an American company that sells printers and other computer accessories. We normally start working at 10am and take our lunch at a McDonald's outlet nearby usually at half past noon.

On this particular day I was late for lunch but what caught my attention was the place was extra festive with balloons, buntings and pennants that announce Mother's Day. I felt ashamed of myself I totally forgot my mother way back home in Nevada.

I settled in a corner beside three nuns talking happily about their day out and reprieve from religious duties. Then a boy maybe around four years old came inside, a mendicant from his looks and asked the guard for a McDonald's "happy mother's day" flag, but the guard shove him away. Still he stayed just outside hoping that one of the customers might grant his request.

Out of the blue the nuns called and asked what he wanted, and from what I understood he was only asking for a McDonald's flag that he could give his mother on this special day. The nuns ordered a big Mac burger for him and his mom and spaghetti for his younger sister since the three of them ply the streets for alms after their father left some months ago.

This is a most engaging lesson in life for me, that there is really no distinction, rich or poor you will do something to keep your mother happy.

So, once back in the office I immediately called my mom. At three o'clock in the morning in Nevada? Sounds crazy, but worth it.

by: The Flagman