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Tuesday, February 17, 2009
My Birthday: A Tribute for My Mom!

For most mothers, it is normally a great deal to get busy preparing for the first birthday party of their children. As a mom myself, I understand the feeling so well. It's the most awaited date amongst the many important dates of my life

The first birthday party of my son is also my first year as a mother. We celebrated it together. Her birthday is my birthday as a mother too. Logically, I officially became a mom when she came out of my tummy. Not all mothers view it that way and not all eldest children see it that way either.

I should say being a mother is not just celebrated during Mother's Days but also during the birthdays of their eldest child.

I began to appreciate my mom in a different level when I became a mom myself. Since, I am her eldest daughter, it means that every time my birthday comes also marks her birthday as a mother. So, my birthday party is a tribute for her many years of dedication as a woman who faces the hurdles in taking care and protecting her God given children with a brave and gentle heart.

During birthdays, birthday flags are all over the house with photos and colorful greetings giving the celebration a joyful mood. Everyone does have his own way of celebrating birthdays but as for me and my family, we do it just like the usual way but with a twist. My eldest daughter's birthday party is also a celebration for me as a mother. In the same way, my party as the eldest child is also a celebration of my mom's bravery and sacrifice. Indeed, the party is not mainly for the birthday celebrant but also for the mother.

Whenever I look at my daughter's first ever birthday flag, it reminds me that being a mother never is an easy job but it's a career that has to be taken seriously. It is a kind of fulfillment that gives limitless joy every time.

I am not a perfect mother but I'm striving hard to be the best for my children.

by: The Flagman