Many of us are awfully guilty about impulse spending. This financial 'illness' is more common among women, though. However, no matter how hard it is to resist temptation, we can still get over it. See which tips are good enough for you and use them to ditch impulse spending for good and drop it like you were discarding an old
street banner.
Have a Goal in Mind
Invest in big things, like a vacation, a new laptop, a house or a car. The next time that you want to buy something out of whim, ask yourself if you'd rather buy the small thing or add it on to your big investment. Usually, the big investments win, because they are long-term goals. Having a goal is one of the best ways to discipline oneself.
Appropriate well
When you get your salary, group your money together and appropriate them well. If you can, store them in different parts of your wallet or in differently colored envelopes. This way, you will paint a clear direction of where your money should go. This is also a neat way to know if you sincerely have money to spare for little luxuries. THEN you can impulse-shop less often.
Learn to Wait
To determine if you need something or truly want it, try waiting for a while before you make the purchase. A lot of people say that one week is healthy but perhaps five days will do. Who knows, your desired product might be on sale, or you don't want it really and you realize that you just wanted to buy it because it was on sale.
So next time the new merchandise on the rack sport their own
racing flags to your closet, take a quick step back and review these three things.
The Flagman