Custom Street Pole Banners - Custom Feather Flags

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Throughout history, men and women have gone on expeditions to explore the world that is not known to them. They go to places that they don't know anything about and they try to survive in them. Sadly, there are those who did not survive. These days, the chances of survival in similar places are higher. Rescue teams are easier to reach, and technology makes adventurers easier to spot even from a distance.

When you go adventuring, the first thing that you want to keep in mind is that you want to be spotted by anyone in the vicinity. This is because if you forgot to report back to base camp, people will know where to look for you. This means that you have to wear bright clothing in order to be easily spotted. However, that is not enough. You also have carry strobes and attention flags in order to draw enough attention on yourself.

You have to bring additional visual gear because you have to consider the different times of the day as well as the conditions for visibility. For example, unless your jacket glows in the dark, it will only be good for keeping you warm at night. The strobes can help you with that situation. During the day, however, your strobes are only helpful if you are under thick foliage. You need attention flags in order to draw attention to the movement of waving the flags in the air. It will also help if you know emergency patterns of waving the flags around as rescuers will be looking for any sign of life.

by: The Flagman