If you find your business going down, you might be doing something wrong. The most common culprit for these events would have to be the lack of advertising. After all, if only a few people know about it, you won't get your sales up no matter how much these people buy from you. The trick is to let other people know that you're there. This is because you will want to increase the number of prospective customers. The only way to do that is to let people know you exist.
If you feel that your spot is bit drab and dreary, try to spice it up a little. Add more color to your surroundings. Don't keep the improvements inside the building. Let it show on the outside. You could even use
pennant streamers to liven up the mood. These streamers could brighten up even the saddest backdrop. After all, they are made for festivals and other celebrations. Just make sure that they lead to your establishment and you will attract customers in no time.
If you think the streamers aren't enough, you could try setting up
street pole banners outside your shop. These banners are especially useful if your shop is right beside a busy street. People will easily notice your shop and they will be interested in finding out what is in it for them. They will also have an idea of what kind of businessman you are since your advertising strategies will reflect on your personality. This means that the happier your establishment seems, the more sociable you will seem to them.
The Flagman