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Friday, February 12, 2010
There are a lot of groups all around the world. Most of these groups or organizations are actually very tight. The members often treat each other like family members. They do all sorts of things to encourage the closeness of each member. They like throwing parties, or gathering together to watch a game, or practically anything that they can enjoy doing together.

Some organizations are strong supporters of specific sports teams. The most notable of these organizations are the NFL fan clubs. They actually identify very strongly with the football team that they support. This means that they take that kind of support as the basis for treating the other members of the organization. They have parties that are exclusive to the members since they know that others cannot understand what they feel. They use their favorite NFL team flags to decorate the venue so that they can feel that it is truly for them.

There are organizations that don't like ballgames. Rather, they like war games. These organizations compete with other organizations during competitions. They send the best among their ranks to compete in tournaments so that they can have the best chance of winning. However, it isn't always about winning competitions. It is also about fostering trust among the members since they will be fighting alongside each other. They have their own parties under their military flags so that they can really feel like they just went through boot camp. This kind of bonding can make them a little more willing to take a bullet for the team.

by: The Flagman