If you think that there are only so many things that you can do with a bicycle, you need to rethink the very bicycle itself. This is because you need to first feel that the bike is a part of your body and therefore an extension of your being. Once you get to this state of mind, you can practically do anything with it. Of course, doing anything other than riding it from point A to point B brings a little risk into the game. This means that if you want to succeed in doing tricks, you need to practice a lot. This is especially true if you want to be a representative of your country in world competitions.
The most important thing for you to remember is to practice the tricks that you want to define your performance. After all, if you mess it up, it will deal a big blow to both your reputation and to your overall physical condition. You will need different people to teach you the ropes and you will need a crew so that you can set up your own practice course. It isn't difficult to find these groups. They actually have gatherings. The big groups that are famous in an area have their own
custom flags.
If you think you're a little better than the people in your crew, you can actually try out for your national team. There are a few competitions in the world that have bike tricks as an event. This means that you have the opportunity to represent your country. If you do make it in, you are part of an elite team that wears your nation's
world flag on their uniforms. Few have achieved such an honorable objective.
The Flagman