When you say that you are in the pink then it means that you are healthy and fit. And you would know that you are in good physical shape if you feel brisk the whole day, you get enough sleep daily, you eat healthy foods and you have a very cheerful disposition. But of course going to the doctor and having a general check-up would give you the accurate and general idea of your physical well-being. In a society that is so obsessed with shape and size, people need to ensure that they are always on top form
People who are hale and hearty are those who move like
twirler flags, their energy is boundless. They are never tired or sluggish the entire day. But technically, people are considered fit if they are in their ideal weight and not just the absence of sickness and other medical problems. A person also need not be healthy just physically, since being fit also means being well-formed and also mentally sound.
People can maintain their health by keeping a healthy lifestyle and making one self free of bad habits like drinking, smoking and the like. A healthy person also has a very dynamic social activity and always full of zip. Hygiene is another thing that people need to pay attention to, avoiding the things that cause stress and other anxieties also help a person to be resilient and sound.
So if you do not want to wave that
rescue flag then you have to be fighting fit and positive consistently.
The Flagman