It’s October once again and it is time to bring out the
United Nations flag to celebrate the United Nations Month. When I was younger, the celebration of the United Nations Month means a flurry of activities for all students. There are trivia quiz bowls, flag making competition, essay writing competition, and the highlight was the search for Mr. and Miss United Nations.
I was one of those who had parents who were more than eager to let me throw in the hat for the Mr. United Nations Pageant. I was in it for extra credits but that did not stop the entire family to prepare. First, we helped out in making the country’s flag I am supposed to represent. I was even coached to introduce myself using the national language of the country I represented. And there was the endless trips to the tailor for the fitting of my national costume. It was a family event. Everyone is required to help out. In the end I won third, but most importantly, the family bonded and we had fun. Even the other students who joined the activities were also having fun and are being assisted by their mother or sibling.
The message of the United Nations may be lost in the children and students who are celebrating the birth of this international organization but the memories will remain with them until they are old enough to understand that the United Nations was borne out of the determination to let peace rule the entire world. So with the
United Nations flag unfurled, we march in a symbolic celebration of the victory of peace.
The Flagman