Why would a
racing flag always stand out amidst the chaos of colors found in a racing track? There are people waving different banners, cheering for their favorite multi-colored cars, and there are different corporations cramping on limited advertisement space. And oh, don’t forget the media. What then, makes these race flags unique? Let’s dabble on some history.
The familiar black and white checkered racing flag has been etched in our subconscious for the longest time but maybe you do not pay that much attention to it. If you are a fan of Formula One, the sight of that flag will make you reminisce Schumaker and Nigel – some of the greatest racers to ever grace the racing circuit. For aficionados, this would be a great collection. Buying your own racing flag and putting it up in a frame says a lot about one of your deepest interests.
The racing flag is unlike any other flag. Remember when the countdown for the first lap starts off and the buzzer comes? Then you watch the race cars sweep by and let the rear ends bite the dust? Amidst all that chaos, you find the flag still waving throughout the frenzy. It is euphoric and almost nostalgic. Perhaps this image is something recurring among a lot of us but we fail to notice the flag that symbolizes the send off.
The design is eye catching and there is a reason for it. The
racing flag signifies the start of our favorite part of this interesting endeavor: the actual race.
Labels: crest flag, custom crest flag, custom flag, custom made flag, custom printed flag, customized flag
The Flagman