If you take time to view the various flags waving outside buildings and government establishments in the United States, you will find a few things. Primarily, you will see the national symbol of each country on every flag. The United States flag is a national symbol that stands for the history and principles of the great nation.
The flag is very important because it is meant to remind Americans everywhere about the sacrifices that their forefathers made to make the United States the free and powerful country that it is today. It demands respect in every way and deserves to be treated properly.
The US flag is rectangular and has a rectangle on the upper left portion. The smaller rectangle has a blue background with fifty white stars. The remaining bigger portion features eleven stripes placed horizontally. The stripes are white and red. Many people will easily recognize the banner just by looking at these elements.
The United States world flag is also called by many as “Old Glory” and stands for all the fifty states of the country. Every state also features their own flag which represent their own principles and backgrounds. These state flags will be useful in distinguishing between states and their respective characteristics and stories. The icons will stand for each state and show the history of the country to anyone who does a little research. These flags are important in remembering the great people that formed America as well as the governments and battles fought that changed the country into a national powerhouse.Labels: American flag, custom flag, custom flag maker, custom flag. personalized flag
The Flagman