I dreamed to start my own business one time and I wanted to start small. I have thought of selling lemonades one morning. The night before, I’ve envisioned of my lemonade booth with cups arranged perfectly in rows and plenty of customers in line to pay. So early in the morning the next day, I jumped off my bed and went ahead to do what I envisioned. I started setting my booth using our old card table topped with our red checkered tablecloth. I arranged my cups in rows just the way I envisioned it and placed a bowl with bright lemons to make my booth appealing. And of course, I placed a huge outdoor sign saying “Lemonade 25 cents only” for people to clearly see what I am selling. When everything else was set, I waited for customers.
There were some cars that passed by. Some neighbors saw me and my booth and gave me a wave and a smile. Out of the passers-by there were a few who bought my refreshing ice-cold lemonade. It was not the scene imagined because the cash flow was so slow. I needed more people to see my both. I needed more people to come to my booth and buy plenty of lemonade cups. I needed more income within a targeted time-frame because I still need to pay my dad back for the capital I borrowed. I did not lose hope but became more determined to succeed and so
I researched about business and checked my competitors.
I have a business competitor, Lucy. I realized she had a good custom banner and it was a lot better than mine. Her signage has interchangeable parts, particularly on the price area. She can easily adjust her price basing on her supply and demand balance. She can add and remove a part that announces “open” or “close”, similar to a doctor’s door sign “the doctor is in/out”.
After that moment of realization, I instantly did something about changing my current signage. I did some re-measuring and snipping of my boring old table cloth using my mother’s best sewing materials. I transformed my old table cloth into something sassy and stunning. I recreated my table too. I installed two metal rods to become table legs to function as the stakes of my outdoor signage at the same time. It still announces “lemonade 25 cents” but bigger, bolder and clearer. I used my plastic cups by cutting a small slit per cut so it can be attached on top of the custom signage to make it more inviting and clearer that I’m selling lemonade drinks per cup. My signage became 3-dimensional and so I added a new feature which is a big arrow at directly points to my fresh lemonade booth.
The change I made created a big difference. I got what I envisioned. I was able to pay my dad and bought my mom new sewing materials to replace what I used. I realized that a good outdoor signage can lead to a successful business.Labels: custom flag, custom banners, custom flag maker, custom flag. personalized flag, Outdoor signage
The Flagman