There is a wide array of sports popular in the country today; I'm not talking about the conventional ones. To name a few, there's korfball, ultimate Frisbee, and the one I like best: flag football. Now I am not sure if it is even played around here in the south, but if it were, I would love to take a whack at it. I read about flag football a few years ago in a magazine and it caught my curiosity. It was something new to my non-sporty self, I'd never heard of it before. The photo in the magazine showed teams of both men and women wearing
flags around their waists. That's really something new now, isn't it?
A girl named Cheska especially made the sport appealing to me. The way she ran around the vast football field in her sporty outfit made me envious. I have always wanted to be an athlete. I even think I was built to be one. I am not short, I am bulky. But the entire universe conspired to impede me. How poignant. So all my life I had resorted to just being on the sidelines, scrutinizing. How ironic. If I were the athlete, would I want to be under public scrutiny? Maybe not. But I would probably be willing to put up with it. What I would not give to be an athlete.
Sometimes, I even daydream of representing the country - not alone, though, no. I want to be a part of a team - basketball team, or a flag football team, perhaps. We would go abroad, conveying our
nation's flag, and bringing home the bacon. What a one-dimensional dream.
So going back to the unconventional sports, I wonder why they did not consider offering it for gym class here. Why does it always have to be either basketball or volleyball only? Why not korfball? Why not flag football? Surely students would want to gain knowledge of some infrequent sport, something in mint condition, not something jaded or stale.
The Flagman