Since the beginning of time, we have used symbols to distinguish our group from the others. During the medieval era, families used family crests to identify their family from other families. The monarchy used crest, usually embedded on a banner to symbolize their kingdom. On the case of religion, Christians makes use of the cross to symbolize their faith. The Islam utilized the crescent moon and the star to represent their faith as well. Even in politics, symbols are widely employed.
In the Unites States, both the Democrats and Republicans use animal symbols to represent their faction, an elephant for the Democratic party and a horse for the Republican party. Small factions of people also utilize symbols to represent themselves. An example would be the LGBT group which uses the Pride flag to be a sign of their group.
Symbols come in many form, it may come as a jewelry, an artifact or as a flag. Today, the most popular kind of symbol in the world is a nation's flag. They come in various shapes and sizes, in which the most common is the rectangular shaped flag. Also, the symbols embedded unto a flag range from simple to complicated. And those marks are the representation of the nation's history, religion, political stand, and geographical diversity.
For the flag of the Republic of the Philippines for instance, it is designed with three stars which symbolize the three major archipelagos of the nation and a sun which has eight rays representing the eight provinces which led the rebellion during the spanish rule. Red and blue colors are also present on the flag which depict the nation's political state, the blue part signifies peace, patriotism and justice. And if the nation is at war, the flag would be raised with the red part up which symbolizes valor and the blood spit for freedom.
Indeed the use of symbols particularly the flag is a worldwide culture. Its uses have also evolved, aside from identifying one's group or race it has also become a tool to raise the people's morale in times of hardships. The flag certainly is more than just a piece of clothing, it has become a symbol for everyone under it, something to hold on to and protect.
The Flagman