Today I had my fair share of work as I helped out in our weekly backyard clean up. It wasn't that easy, not that hard either.
I came late in the afternoon when the sun was on its way home and there was nothing much left to do. Well it was some sort of as strategy, for me to go in late, but it was a good deed nevertheless.
The tasks left for me to do: gardening and landscaping. Gardening was never that hard, I just had to move plants around. At least those plants get to see something out of the usual. Landscaping was a bit tedious as I had to move a good amount of earth with a shovel that has a not-so-user-friendly handle, and I'm without my gloves. Talk about tough luck.
And it became tougher as I encountered hostile ants living within the mound I had to relocate. I call them the Red Army, for their color mainly, and because I knew ants were natural communists, just like the real Red Army. Good thing they weren't fire ants, otherwise I would have found greater trouble.
So it was war as the first few ants found their way to my left arm and bit me there. They must have used the shovel as a bridge. Those ants certainly practice war strategies. My counterattack included a brilliant maneuver to pound that mound and then a humble walk-away. I was helpless, I couldn't bury those ants dead even if I had all the soil in the world. I'll probably go back and finish my act tomorrow with a flamethrower. Or maybe, the next time the same task is given to me, I'll hang a M.I.A flag outside my room. I'd rather avoid those ants for good otherwise a P.O.W. Flag with my face on it courtesy of those ants might be standing proud on that mound.
The Flagman