I was munching away a hamburger for lunch today when a thought struck me. Where in the world could this beef patty I'm munching come from? It's not a big deal but of course I'd love to retrace the journey of this delicious thing that's keeping me company for lunch. It's like getting to travel one way or another, and of course, it's a healthy to know where the food you are eating came from.
My initial guess would be Argentina for its known production of beef and other beef products. But I was tempted to think that what I was eating was from
New Zealand. I heard they have lots of cows there. I was wondering if they produce beef patties as much as they produce milk. And I just couldn't stop thinking of the luscious environment the country has to offer. For that, I would prefer the beef patty in my mouth to have originated from New Zealand, but for I couldn't care less. I just wanted to finish that yummy hamburger.
After I did, I went back to my musings about cows and nature, eventually going back to the thought of New Zealand. I don't know a lot about the country except where it can be found, and what countries are close to it. This beautiful country is found in the Pacific, and together with Australia, forms the region we call as Oceania. For this, both countries share a lot in common including their history and culture. That is why the flags of New Zealand and
Australia are not far different from each other.
I know little beyond that, but I'll surely be looking up some facts about this beautiful island country in the pacific. Meantime, I'll concentrate on chugging down this glass of milk before I go to sleep. I wonder where in the world this came from.
The Flagman