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Tuesday, April 28, 2009
About two thousand years ago, a very popular figure was said to have been crucified to save mankind. When that person's life ended, millions of others began to live without guilt of sins. Some said he was human, others would say more than just that. Any other claim by scholars and historians may be as vague as the obscurity of the real event itself, but one thing for sure, the faith that was established lives on in each follower and in the things that have been influenced by it. This includes the flag bearer of the Christian community who is the pope.

The pope stands as the main figure in the celebrated faith of Roman Catholicism. Acting as the Bishop of Rome and technically the head of the faith all over the world, he carries with him the symbols embodied as his holy gown, staff, and the Christian flag he carries. The more specific symbol seen in the papal flag is the center of the ideals and purposes of probably the largest religion in the world.

Defined by the two intertwining keys symbolizing a unity of two pathways of possibilities; leftists and rightists coming together with the papacy as the center of everything, the papal flag is an epitome of peace and harmony under the pope's rule and influence. The yellow motif which may signify a bright outlook and an open friendship is a perfect complement for the white portion signifying purity and cleanliness. All these components make up the dreams and visions which the papal flag would wish to happen.

As one tours the city of Vatican, one may see the different Christian flags which are hoisted high atop sturdy flagpoles. Episcopal flags of all sorts, papal flags of all variants, and all other types of Christian flags are commonly seen in this holy city. This is the same city which prides of earthly independence and a seemingly eternal mandate from heaven to carry out an unmodified faith among others.

by: The Flagman