The war for the Gaza strip has placed the
flag of Israel on the headlines once more. The war that has caused many injuries and has taken many lives has been the focal point of the news. But before this war that is being dealt with using guns, missiles and tanks the Gaza strip has been a place were swords clashed and lives were taken. This was the place where one man exhibited great strength coming from God and the man's name was Samson. The adventures if I might say and the love story of Samson took place in Gaza. This is where Samson was delivered into bondage by his love Delilah. This is also the place where Samson died after toppling the temple of the god Dagon.
Israel also featured the greatest king, a king so loved by God. As a proof the Star of David can be found on the
flag of Israel. As many of us know Israel has been a place of history, biblical history to be exact and Christ himself once walked this land, to heal people and to offer salvation. The bible says that Israelites are the chosen people of God, but why are they suffering now? Has the Promised Land become plagued by people who have blood lust and greed running through their veins and minds? In my point of view these people who started the war are the same people who have disobeyed the most high in ancient times. I believe it is a plague that cannot be cleansed from the land until the time of repentance. I understand that people do not believe that the past can affect the future but if it is written and if it has happened the land might still be under punishment.
I might be superstitious or biblical but I believe anything is possible.
The Flagman