We know of these days. Days when there are just a lot of things to do at work and we don't know which one to do first. Then when we decide to begin, we just feel so tired of it all and we're debating whether to go home and feign illness or simply to pretend we're working and then just wait for time-off.
During these days, our productivity levels simply shut down and we are left procrastinating, hating our jobs and distracting ourselves with other things. The thing is, we're bound to experience such days at least once or twice a month. This is okay for people who hold positions with jobs that can easily be passed on, delegated or postponed. But for people who are quota based, or those who hold crucial positions for making crucial decisions, they don't have the luxury of procrastination.
So whether your job is printing
custom table banners or hosting parties or SEO writing, and when the procrastination bug bites you, here are a few ways to cope:
1. Distract yourself AFTER. Do your work first, and then you can read e-books all afternoon or ask nicely for an early off-time from your boss and say you've finished what is due.
2. Caffeinate. If coffee is not your thing, you can drink tea, Coke or even down an apple. Everything contains a generous amount of caffeine and it will keep you alert for you to finish your work.
Take a short walk. If your office is a little too crowded. The quick change of environment is good for you. Take a quick walk outside, even if it's a quick visit to the nearest convenience store. Fill your eyes with new things to see, even those yummy looking
corporate logo flags of Burger king and Pizza Hut. It changes your outlook. Yes, even for a day only.
The Flagman