Holidays speak of long afternoons, meaningful walks in the park, and, if we have money to spare, shopping. Holidays are like company bonuses, albeit in the form of time and not money. During holidays, we find ourselves resting and lounging, catching up with some things we missed due to work or school. Some of us find it fun, but a number also find themselves bored during such days. Here are some fun things to occupy our holidays:
Home BBQ - Grill juicy red meat for lunch or dinner and couple it with beer and a lot of singing! Spend the day with your college buddies. If you're feeling a little more reminiscing, you can hang your
college flag in on the grill side and chat your favorite college moments away.
Board Game day - This is a great activity for families. Board games are fun, educational and most of all, cheap! You can drink (non-alcoholic) punch while you're at it too! Careful not to stain the
custom table banner! My top picks are scrabble, monopoly and Chinese checkers.
Shopping - Well, if it doesn't burn a hole in your pocket, go shopping! Reward yourself with new things for working so hard during non-holidays! Give the 'sale' and the
corporate logo flags some justice now and pull out the wallet!
4. DVD Marathons - Now is the time to make up for all the episodes you missed because you were too busy with your regular drill. This can also double as a movie day! Whip out the popcorn and it's time to get in touch with your inner potato couch today!
The Flagman